Friday, August 5, 2016


Observation of the interactions in a pride of lions, pack of wolves, the love shared between mother and cub, play between siblings in even the most solitary of feline species, and evidence of complex animal emotions teach us that animals have a far greater capacity to 'feel' than many people believe. This comes as no news to you. Pets are an integral part of our lives because there is an unspoken connection and communication that is very real. When we remove them from the wild, so to speak, the burden is on us to give them what they would have gotten in the pride or pack. What we give is returned in kind. A reciprocal loving relationship with a pet can form an unparalleled bond. While these thoughts probably only reinforce what comes naturally to a loving pet owner, it is easy to forget the social and psychological needs of a pet since they can seem pretty much self-content so long as a bowl of food is in front of them. But don't forget their full range of needs, for your sake and theirs. Be sure to provide regular love, play, and other interactive stimulation to enrich both of your lives. pawprints Thought for the day: "Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life." Elizabeth Goudge Word for the day: oxidation – noun: the process wherein a molecule, atom, or ion loses electrons. This can be incited by light, heat, oxygen, and other oxidized chemicals. The result is a free radical that sets about trying to rob other chemicals of their electrons. In the body, these "radicals" can disrupt DNA, cell membranes, and important biochemicals necessary for health. Preventing oxidation in foods and in the body is very important.

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