Wednesday, September 7, 2016


TRUTH 60: YOUR PET'S TEETH ARE YOUR SCORECARD Dr. Wysong Although dental caries (cavities) are relatively infrequent in pets, periodontal gum disease is rampant. This infection and inflammation of the gums starts with the buildup of calculus (plaque) at the gum line. This in turn creates an environment for bacterial growth. Eventually this results in tooth loss due to loosening of the cement holding tooth roots in the jaw bones. But this is only part of the problem. The chronic infection in gum tissue is a painful condition for your pet to endure and makes eating difficult. Severe halitosis can result as well. Even more serious are pathogens seeding into the bloodstream and taking root in organs such as the kidney and heart valves. Chronic kidney disease and congestive heart failure are two of the most common conditions in older pets and can be traced right back to years of periodontal disease. This is not an inevitable condition that is "just one of those things." Its cause is the exclusive feeding of processed dog foods and cat foods. Melt in the mouth processed foods laced with carbohydrates provide the perfect setting for plaque and bacterial growth. The teeth and gums get no exercise or scrubbing as they would if they were tearing, slicing, pulling, and grinding real meat, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bones. If the condition is not too advanced, it can be reversed with the dietary changes. If the condition is advanced, the teeth may need to be cleaned of the plaque and diseased teeth repaired or pulled before your pet can begin eating more natural food. Keep an eye on the condition of the teeth at the gum line and the smell of your pet's breath. If a buildup of plaque is occurring and there is halitosis, that indicates you need to make some feeding changes to not only save the teeth, but your pets organs and life as well.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Across the land for over half a century pet owners have been cautioned about feeding their dogs and cats from the table. The main reason this caution is echoed by pet food manufacturers, nutritionists, and veterinarians is because of their belief in processed "100% complete" commercial foods. Their view is that table scraps would disturb the precise balance of these foods. But since we know that no such nutritional precision exists in commercial foods, denying pets the relish of table scraps makes no sense. Consider how that cats fed "complete" foods suffered taurine deficiency. These were premium cat foods which had been "proven" to be "100% complete and balanced" through feeding trials, laboratory analyses, and digestibility studies. If cat owners had occasionally fed bits of organs and meats from the table, the cardiomyopathy and other maladies would have never occurred. Thousands of cats would have been spared suffering and death, and owners spared grief and medical costs. Taurine deficiency is just the tip of the iceberg. Other examples include potassium deficiency, carnitine deficiency, zinc deficiency, riboflavin deficiency, and chloride overdose. That is what has been discovered thus far. Yes, formulas have been adjusted and these problems are now rare. But there is every reason to believe that most chronic degenerative diseases - affecting virtually every modern day pet - such as arthritis, obesity, heart disease, cancer, immune disorders, allergies, and skin, eye and ear infections are related to processed diet malnutrition. Subtle deficiencies cast a long shadow on health and cannot be detected in short-term feeding trials. Rather, they incubate over the lifetime of the animal to crop up in later years when little can be done to resolve the problem or - convenient to the perpetrators - identify the underlying cause - "100% complete" pet foods. The only way to make your pet's diet complete is to let nature work its magic by offering a variety of foods, intelligently supplementing, and giving tidbits and scraps right from your dinner table.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Most pet foods are essentially made the same, since most are made by the same toll manufacturers. The only place left to appear special is on the ingredient list. So there are now foods with grapefruit, turnip greens, parsley oil, dandelion, thyme, spearmint, marigolds, persimmons, broccoli, eyebright, quail eggs... taking on the sound of lizard tongue, bat wing and eye of newt. Although any natural ingredient prepared properly may have some merit, it is difficult for consumers to discern this. Some ingredients may be mere label dressing in an attempt to set the product apart from others. Since describing the specific health benefits of ingredients is prohibitied, people need to search the Internet: Health benefits of __________(ingredient in question). Then there is the question of dosage which cannot be determined on labels and is part of proprietary formulations companies do not wish to reveal. Although some ingredients may exert a nutraceutical or homeopathic effect at very low doses, this can only be guessed by reading labels. The only option for consumers is to carefully peruse company literature. If there is science and depth, the chances are the ingredients on the label are there for a specific health benefit. If the company seems to be more marketing than substance, or makes exaggerated claims, then it could well be that the ingredients on the label are that too. For an occasional meal such foods are fine, if you care to support companies trying to mislead you. Better yet, seek honest foods and natural variety if you want health for your pet.

Friday, August 5, 2016


Observation of the interactions in a pride of lions, pack of wolves, the love shared between mother and cub, play between siblings in even the most solitary of feline species, and evidence of complex animal emotions teach us that animals have a far greater capacity to 'feel' than many people believe. This comes as no news to you. Pets are an integral part of our lives because there is an unspoken connection and communication that is very real. When we remove them from the wild, so to speak, the burden is on us to give them what they would have gotten in the pride or pack. What we give is returned in kind. A reciprocal loving relationship with a pet can form an unparalleled bond. While these thoughts probably only reinforce what comes naturally to a loving pet owner, it is easy to forget the social and psychological needs of a pet since they can seem pretty much self-content so long as a bowl of food is in front of them. But don't forget their full range of needs, for your sake and theirs. Be sure to provide regular love, play, and other interactive stimulation to enrich both of your lives. pawprints Thought for the day: "Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life." Elizabeth Goudge Word for the day: oxidation – noun: the process wherein a molecule, atom, or ion loses electrons. This can be incited by light, heat, oxygen, and other oxidized chemicals. The result is a free radical that sets about trying to rob other chemicals of their electrons. In the body, these "radicals" can disrupt DNA, cell membranes, and important biochemicals necessary for health. Preventing oxidation in foods and in the body is very important.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Our natural inclination is to think in the short term. If we are doing something that is fun or easy and it creates no harm at the moment, then we tend to conclude we're safe. That's one of the reasons people are not easily convinced that food trinkets are unwise. Since pop and Twinkies don't cause cancer in the kids the next morning, and dog and cat foods have not caused them to keel over yet, then all must be well. But it is not. Humans and pets suffer from a host of dietary-related diseases that have long incubation periods. That's what cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and so forth are. Here I would like to prove to you from the medical and scientific literature that pets by the millions fed so-called complete and balanced diets, even the high priced premium ones, have suffered disease and died as a result. (And they still are.) Consider this partial listing of proofs: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Volume 201, pages 267-74 Clinical findings in cats with dilated cardiomyopathy and relationship of findings to taurine deficiency Paul D. Pion, DVM; Mark D. Kittleson, DVM, PhD; William P. Thomas, DVM; Mary L. Skiles, DVM, MPVM; Quinton R. Rogers, PhD Summary: "37 cats with moderate to severe idiopathic myocardial failure (dilated cardiomyopathy) were evaluated... taurine deficiencies were documented in most of the cats... These findings support the conclusion that most cases of dilated cardiomyopathy in cats have a common etiopathogenesis related to diet and as such are preventable." Diet used: "Complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods. Dr. Wysong's comments: I strongly agree -- diet can either cause or prevent disease. This is what research decades old has clearly shown. Belief in the "100% complete" myth is the greatest of all threats to modern pet health. ......................................................... Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Volume 202, pages 744-51 Development of chronic renal disease in cats fed a commercial diet S.P. DiBartola, DVM; C.A. Buffington, DVM, PhD; D.J. Chew, DVM; M.A. McLoughlin, DVM, MS; R.A. Sparks, DVM Summary: Cats which were fed a commercial food exclusively since they had been kittens developed chronic renal disease. Diet used: "Complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods. Dr. Wysong's comments: More proof that "100% complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods can create disease. ......................................................... Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Volume 191, pages 1563-8 Potassium depletion in cats: Hypokalemic polymyopathy Steven W. Dow, DVM, MS; Richard A. LeCouteur, BVSc, PhD; Martin H. Fettman, DVM, PhD; Thomas L. Spurgeon, PhD Summary: "Generalized weakness of acute onset, apparent muscular pain, and persistent ventroflexion of the neck were observed in 6 cats. These clinical findings were associated with a low serum potassium concentration and high serum creatine kinase activity... The owners reported that all 6 cats had been fed a commercial diet exclusively for periods of at least 6 months before onset of muscle weakness." Diet used: "Complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods. Dr. Wysong's comments: More proof that "100% complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods can create disease. ......................................................... University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine Compendium on Continuing Education Common questions about the nutrition of dogs and cats David Kronfeld, DVM, PhD Summary: "NRC subcommittees... have aimed at minimal requirements rather than optimums... A veterinarian offering advice about nutrition is caught in a bind. For legal sanctuary, one should abide by the recommendations of the NRC which have been incorporated into regulations of the FTC, AAFCO and FDA, hence assumed the force of law." Dr. Wysong's comments: Thus, minimal nutrition receives the imprimatur of law. Even professionals, who might know better, must conform by advocating disease-causing "100% complete" minimal diets. Why? Because NRC, FTC, AAFCO, FDA make it "legal." ......................................................... Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Volume 198, pages 647-50 Myocardial L-carnitine deficiency in a family of dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy Bruce W. Keene, DVM, MS; David P. Panciera, DVM, MS; Clarke E. Atkins, DVM; Vera Regitz, MD; Mary J. Schmidt, BS; Austin L. Shug, PhD Summary: Dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure were observed in a family of boxers. Supplementation of L-carnitine resulted in clinical improvement. Diet used: "Complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods. Dr. Wysong's comments: More proof that "100% complete and balanced" premium processed pet foods can create disease. Video: Catcerto Nora the piano playing cat and her Catcerto... pawprints Thought for the day: "Read labels, question, think for yourself -- and remember that nature is rarely, if ever, improved upon." Dr. Wysong Word for the day: omnivore – noun: a creature that can subsist on both animal and plant matter.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Of course it's important that what is eaten be digestible. All that goes in should not also all come out. But where there is a valid notion, there will always be found an invalid marketing scheme. Digestibility tests are used to determine how much food is absorbed. It is assumed from this that food "A," because it is 95% digestible, is better than food "B," which is 90% digestible. But that would imply that if food "C" were 100% digestible, with zero fecal output, it would be the best food of all. Not so. Digestive tract health and the movement of food through the intestines where different elements are absorbed, depends upon a portion of food being indigestible. Certain kinds of food components such as fibers and oligosaccharides not only help maintain the health of the digestive tract but encourage the growth of friendly microorganisms that fight pathogens and exert a range of other health effects. Digestibility tests attach simplicity to that which is incredibly complex. Measuring how much is absorbed compared to how much is lost or excreted says nothing about the merit of what is absorbed. Nutrition is a tissue-level biochemical phenomenon, not a simple subtraction between what is eaten and what is excreted. Nevertheless, some pet food producers will promote their food based upon its digestibility percent. This must be seen for what it is, a ruse to create false confidence in a processed pet food so that people will feed it exclusively. Not only is digestibility not a true measure of value, it ignores that there is no generally accepted method for de­termining digestibility. This disagreement among the experts results from poor understanding. Since digestibility expert "A" disagrees with digestibility expert "B" and vice versa, we can disagree with either of them and have the backing of an expert. The wise approach to nutrition is to forget the lab tests and experts, feed dogs and cats as they are designed, and let the digestibility chips fall where they may. Mother Nature has things pretty well figured out and she is the only true expert.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Quality foods made of natural ingredients are fragile. Heat, light, air, and time degrade nutrients or convert them to toxins. In fact, keeping foods viable is the main challenge of food processors that need to distribute foods worldwide. Somehow they must arrest the spoiling that normally occurs to natural foods to allow for packaging, shipping, and sitting on shelves until sold. The easy way to take care of this problem is to cook the food so that the enzymes and microorganisms that break the food down are destroyed. The problem with this is, processing also destroys many valuable nutrients. The alternative for producers concerned about this (as they should be) is to minimize processing and incorporate fresh elements that are not heated at all. The next step is to protect these fresh elements with oxygen and light barrier packaging. Smaller portion packaging is also preferable to the large paper bags in pet supermarkets that do not protect foods from light or air and may take weeks to be eaten after the bag is opened and exposed to the elements. Before sealing, the bags should also be flushed with nitrogen to remove oxygen before the bag is sealed. These measures help prevent oxidation of important and fragile nutrients such as essential fatty acids. Keep the delicate nature of nutritious food in mind, no matter what the claim of shelf life. A good principle to keep in mind is the faster food spoils, the more nutritious it is. Once a package is opened it should be tightly resealed and either stored in a cool, dry, dark environment, or preferably, refrigerated or frozen. This will further prolong nutritional integrity, and with that also preserve and enhance your pet's health. Thought for the day: "We cannot glimpse the essential life of a caged animal, only the shadow of its former beauty." Julia Allen Field Phrase for the day: 'unsaturated fats' – - fats in which not all carbons are saturated with hydrogens and which contain reactive double bonds. These are found in both plants and animals and are quite vulnerable to oxidation by heat, light, oxygen, and certain metals. Some of these are essential dietary components important for cellular structure, metabolism, and communication. Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids are unsaturated to various degrees. Unlike saturated fats, unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature. To learn more about the critical importance of fats and oils in health and disease, read Dr. Wysong's book Lipid Nutrition.

Monday, May 30, 2016

THE "NO" PLOY Dr. Wysong

Since commercial dry pet foods came to be, corn, wheat and other grains have been used as starch sources to permit the forming of extruded nuggets. Although meat has long been known to be the best source of nutrition for pets, it is more expensive than grains, and meats alone cannot be extruded into a nugget that will hold its shape or dry properly. So why are there now so many "no corn" no wheat," and "no grain" products flooding the market? Why would such natural ingredients that have been used by humans for thousands of years all of a sudden at this last hour become so "dangerous"? Since most dog foods and cat foods contain grains, it is hard for brands to distinguish themselves. To create a market niche requires some uniqueness. Thus was born the "no corn" "no grain" "no this or that" pet food industry. By saying "no something," the public assumes that the "something" must be bad. The new "no" pet food industry struck fear into the heart of consumers by attaching all the illnesses pets get to the ingredients that they conveniently left out of their foods. In other words, if you want your pet to be well you must buy their "no" product. The net effect, however, is "yes" they will get your money, but "no" your pet will not be healthier. Although I am not here advocating a steady diet of corn and grains - since these are really not the natural foods for carnivores - neither can it be reasonably argued that the starches the "no" companies use (potato, rice, tapioca, etc.) are any better. Some of these substitute starches are not only nutritionally inferior to grains, they can be toxic in sufficient dose. As a part of a varied diet, various starch sources are fine. But that is not what the "no" companies advocate. They want you to feed only their "no" foods. But if you do that, nothing is gained. Pets will suffer the same diseases they always have from eating a steady diet of heat processed starch-based packaged foods. There is simply nothing uniquely hazardous about grain starch sources. There is, however, much potential hazard associated with feeding any one food (particularly heat processed) on an exclusive basis, regardless of its ingredients.

Friday, May 20, 2016

United States ads in Business Ads For Free

United States ads in Business Ads For Free: The first extruded dry diet/kibble pet food that is starch free™ (epigen does what 'grain free' dog food and cat foods only pretend to do).

The Dose Makes the Poison - Dr. Wysong

Pet food manufacturers have increasingly capitalized on marketable catch phrases of the day, e.g. "natural," "organic," "premium," "grain free," "no corn," etc. Such slogans are designed to convince people that if the special food bearing the special slogan is fed, there need be no worry about pet health. Unfortunately, even manufacturers do not seem to realize that so-called natural foods, premium foods, organic foods, and foods devoid of purportedly deleterious ingredients are ALL harmful if fed exclusively. The fundamental principle of toxicity is that the dose makes the poison. The fifteenth century Swiss alchemist and physician, Paracelsus, credited as being the father of toxicology, said "All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous." Even things essential to life, such as water and oxygen, if in excess, can be harmful. One pet food, if fed exclusively, regardless of its merits, can be toxic. Although it's easy and convenient to just pour one food from one package day after day, don't fall into the poisonous trap. For optimal health, feed a variety of properly designed pet diets and supplements, and rotate with whole fresh foods. This obvious and simple point cannot be emphasized enough. It takes a little more effort and some thought to feed with the wisdom of variety, but a little pain now is so much better than the tragedy of expensive and painful disease later. A dog's or cat's body has great capacity to detoxify almost any substance in small enough doses. It can even detoxify large doses as long as the toxin is not dosed constantly. Additionally, almost any substance can be toxic at high enough dose given constantly. Even the most healthy food in the world is potentially toxic. The melamine disaster resulting from tainted Chinese ingredients should teach us a lesson. No one food can be trusted. The lesson is not that we need to analyze so-called complete and balanced foods for every conceivable toxin a practical impossibility it is that we must feed in variety and rotation. It is so incredibly sad that if people who had melamine tainted food had been feeding in this manner, thousands of dogs and cats might have been spared the tragedy.

#AskYourVet for the IDEXX SDMA Kidney Screening Test and Catch Kidney Disease Early | Pawsitively Pets

#AskYourVet for the IDEXX SDMA Kidney Screening Test and Catch Kidney Disease Early | Pawsitively Pets

Saturday, April 30, 2016

United States ads in Classifieds For Free, Furniture and a Mini Fridge

United States ads in Classifieds For Free: A mini fridge, futons, futon covers. Fabric task chair, multiple colors,$19. 84 parsons desk with drawer, multiple colors, $59. 00 much more: ).

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Pink Wax Dipped Scented Roses W/Jewelry

United States ads in Classifieds For Free: Pink wax dipped roses w/ surprise jewelry, 10 jewelry choices; four scents or unscented. These are our new line of roses. Roses that live forever!

Sounds like Mother's Day is coming up:)

Friday, April 22, 2016

An Easier to Read Version of Information on the Health Benefits of Curcumin (Turmeric)

I don't know why everything gets crammed into one huge paragraph when I use Blogger. Here is the Version with most of the important info in Bold Lettering:

Information on the Health Benefits of Curcumin (Turmeric)

Antioxidant Activity Curcumin is an effective scavenger of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species in the test tube (in vitro) (12, 13). However, it is not clear whether curcumin acts directly as an antioxidant in vivo. Due to its limited oral bioavailability in humans (see Metabolism and Bioavailability above), plasma and tissue curcumin concentrations are likely to be much lower than that of other fat-soluble antioxidants, such as alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E). However, the finding that oral curcumin supplementation (3.6 g/day) for seven days decreased the number of oxidative DNA adducts in malignant colorectal tissue suggests that curcumin taken orally may reach sufficient concentrations in the gastrointestinal tract to inhibit oxidative DNA damage (11). In addition to direct antioxidant activity, curcumin may function indirectly as an antioxidant by inhibiting the activity of inflammatory enzymes or by enhancing the synthesis of glutathione, an important intracellular antioxidant (see below). Anti-inflammatory Activity The metabolism of arachidonic acid in cell membranes plays an important role in the inflammatory response by generating potent chemical messengers known as eicosanoids (14). Membrane phospholipids are hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2 (PLA2), releasing arachidonic acid, which may be metabolized by cyclooxygenases (COX) to form prostaglandins and thromboxanes, or by lipoxygenases (LOX) to form leukotrienes. Curcumin has been found to inhibit PLA2, COX-2, and 5-LOX activities in cultured cells (15). Although curcumin inhibited the catalytic activity of 5-LOX directly, it inhibited PLA2 by preventing its phosphorylation and COX-2 mainly by inhibiting its transcription. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) is a transcription factor that binds DNA and enhances the transcription of the COX-2 gene as well as other pro-inflammatory genes, such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In inflammatory cells, such as macrophages, iNOS catalyzes the synthesis of nitric oxide, which can react with superoxide to form peroxynitrite, a reactive nitrogen species that can damage proteins and DNA. Curcumin has been found to inhibit NF-kB-dependent gene transcription (16), and the induction of COX-2 and iNOS in cell culture and animal studies (17, 18). Glutathione Synthesis Glutathione is an important intracellular antioxidant that plays a critical role in cellular adaptation to stress (19). Stress-related increases in cellular glutathione levels result from increased expression of glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione synthesis. Studies in cell culture suggest that curcumin can increase cellular glutathione levels by enhancing the transcription of genes that encode GCL (20, 21). Effects on Biotransformation Enzymes Involved in Carcinogen Metabolism Biotransformation enzymes play important roles in the metabolism and elimination of a variety of biologically active compounds, including drugs and carcinogens. In general, phase I biotransformation enzymes, including those of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) family, catalyze reactions that increase the reactivity of hydrophobic (fat-soluble) compounds, preparing them for reactions catalyzed by phase II biotransformation enzymes. Reactions catalyzed by phase II enzymes generally increase water solubility and promote the elimination of these compounds (22). Although increasing biotransformation enzyme activity may enhance the elimination of potential carcinogens, some carcinogen precursors (procarcinogens) are metabolized to active carcinogens by phase I enzymes (23). CYP1A1 is involved in the metabolic activation of several chemical carcinogens. In cell culture and animal studies, curcumin has been found to inhibit procarcinogen bioactivation or measures of CYP1A1 activity (24-27). Increasing phase II biotransformation enzyme activity is generally thought to enhance the elimination of potential carcinogens. Several studies in animals have found that dietary curcumin increased the activity of phase II enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) (26, 28, 29). However, curcumin intakes ranging from 0.45-3.6 g/day for up to four months did not increase leukocyte GST activity in humans (9). References: Curcumin 1. Sharma RA, Gescher AJ, Steward WP. Curcumin: The story so far. Eur J Cancer. 2005;41(13):1955-1968. (PubMed) 2. Anand P, Kunnumakkara AB, Newman RA, Aggarwal BB. Bioavailability of curcumin: problems and promises. Mol Pharm. 2007;4(6):807-818. (PubMed) 3. Maheshwari RK, Singh AK, Gaddipati J, Srimal RC. Multiple biological activities of curcumin: a short review. Life Sci. 2006;78(18):2081-2087. (PubMed) 4. Baum L, Lam CW, Cheung SK, et al. Six-month randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, pilot clinical trial of curcumin in patients with Alzheimer disease. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2008;28(1):110-113. (PubMed) 5. Lao CD, Ruffin MTt, Normolle D, et al. Dose escalation of a curcuminoid formulation. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2006;6:10. (PubMed) 6. Ireson CR, Jones DJ, Orr S, et al. Metabolism of the cancer chemopreventive agent curcumin in human and rat intestine. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2002;11(1):105-111. (PubMed) 7. Ireson C, Orr S, Jones DJ, et al. Characterization of metabolites of the chemopreventive agent curcumin in human and rat hepatocytes and in the rat in vivo, and evaluation of their ability to inhibit phorbol ester-induced prostaglandin E2 production. Cancer Res. 2001;61(3):1058-1064. (PubMed) 8. Cheng AL, Hsu CH, Lin JK, et al. Phase I clinical trial of curcumin, a chemopreventive agent, in patients with high-risk or pre-malignant lesions. Anticancer Res. 2001;21(4B):2895-2900. (PubMed) 9. Sharma RA, Euden SA, Platton SL, et al. Phase I clinical trial of oral curcumin: biomarkers of systemic activity and compliance. Clin Cancer Res. 2004;10(20):6847-6854. (PubMed) 10. Garcea G, Berry DP, Jones DJ, et al. Consumption of the putative chemopreventive agent curcumin by cancer patients: assessment of curcumin levels in the colorectum and their pharmacodynamic consequences. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005;14(1):120-125. (PubMed) 11. Garcea G, Jones DJ, Singh R, et al. Detection of curcumin and its metabolites in hepatic tissue and portal blood of patients following oral administration. Br J Cancer. 2004;90(5):1011-1015. (PubMed) 12. Sreejayan, Rao MN. Nitric oxide scavenging by curcuminoids. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1997;49(1):105-107. (PubMed) 13. Sreejayan N, Rao MN. Free radical scavenging activity of curcuminoids. Arzneimittelforschung. 1996;46(2):169-171. (PubMed) 14. Steele VE, Hawk ET, Viner JL, Lubet RA. Mechanisms and applications of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the chemoprevention of cancer. Mutat Res. 2003;523-524:137-144. (PubMed) 15. Hong J, Bose M, Ju J, et al. Modulation of arachidonic acid metabolism by curcumin and related beta-diketone derivatives: effects on cytosolic phospholipase A(2), cyclooxygenases and 5-lipoxygenase. Carcinogenesis. 2004;25(9):1671-1679. (PubMed) “ Health Benefits Turmeric (Curcuma longa), the bright yellow of the spice rainbow, is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, and colic. A Potent, Yet Safe Anti-Inflammatory The volatile oil fraction of turmeric has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of experimental models. Even more potent than its volatile oil is the yellow or orange pigment of turmeric, which is called curcumin. Curcumin is thought to be the primary pharmacological agent in turmeric. In numerous studies, curcumin's anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin. Unlike the drugs, which are associated with significant toxic effects (ulcer formation, decreased white blood cell count, intestinal bleeding), curcumin produces no toxicity. An Effective Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Curcumin may provide an inexpensive, well-tolerated, and effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, recent research suggests. In this study, mice given an inflammatory agent that normally induces colitis were protected when curcumin was added to their diet five days beforehand. The mice receiving curcumin not only lost much less weight than the control animals, but when researchers checked their intestinal cell function, all the signs typical of colitis (mucosal ulceration, thickening of the intestinal wall, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells)were all much reduced. While the researchers are not yet sure exactly how curcumin achieves its protective effects, they think its benefits are the result of not only antioxidant activity but also inhibition of a major cellular inflammatory agent called NF kappa-B. Plus, an important part of the good news reported in this study is the fact that although curcumin has been found to be safe at very large doses, this component of turmeric was effective at a concentration as low as 0.25 percent—an amount easily supplied by simply enjoying turmeric in flavorful curries. Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical studies have substantiated that curcumin also exerts very powerful antioxidant effects. As an antioxidant, curcumin is able to neutralize free radicals, chemicals that can travel through the body and cause great amounts of damage to healthy cells and cell membranes. This is important in many diseases, such as arthritis, where free radicals are responsible for the painful joint inflammation and eventual damage to the joints. Turmeric's combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects explains why many people with joint disease find relief when they use the spice regularly. In a recent study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, curcumin was compared to phenylbutazone and produced comparable improvements in shortened duration of morning stiffness, lengthened walking time, and reduced joint swelling. Help for Cystic Fibrosis Sufferers Curcumin, the major constituent of turmeric that gives the spice its yellow color can correct the most common expression of the genetic defect that is responsible for cystic fibrosis, suggests an animal study published in the Science (April 2004). Cystic fibrosis, a fatal disease that attacks the lungs with a thick mucus, causing life-threatening infections, afflicts about 30,000 American children and young adults, who rarely survive beyond 30 years of age. The mucus also damages the pancreas, thus interfering with the body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Researchers now know that cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations in the gene that encodes for a protein (the transmembrane conductance regulator or CFTR). The CTFR protein is responsible for traveling to the cell's surface and creating channels through which chloride ions can leave the cell. When the protein is abnormally shaped because of a faulty gene, this cannot happen, so chloride builds up in the cells, which in turn, leads to mucus production. The most common mutation, which is called DeltaF508, results in the production of a misfolded protein. When mice with this DeltaF508 defect were given curcumin in doses that, on a weight-per-weight basis, would be well-tolerated by humans, curcumin corrected this defect, resulting in a DeltaF508 protein with normal appearance and function. In addition, the Yale scientists studying curcumin have shown that it can inhibit the release of calcium, thus allowing mutated CTFR to exit cells via the calcium channels, which also helps stop the chloride-driven build up of mucus. Specialists in the treatment of cystic fibrosis caution, however, that patients should not self-medicate with dietary supplements containing curcumin, until the correct doses are known and any adverse interactions identified with the numerous prescription drugs taken by cystic fibrosis sufferers. Cancer Prevention Curcumin's antioxidant actions enable it to protect the colon cells from free radicals that can damage cellular DNA—a significant benefit particularly in the colon where cell turnover is quite rapid, occurring approximately every three days. Because of their frequent replication, mutations in the DNA of colon cells can result in the formation of cancerous cells much more quickly. Curcumin also helps the body to destroy mutated cancer cells, so they cannot spread through the body and cause more harm. A primary way in which curcumin does so is by enhancing liver function. Additionally, other suggested mechanisms by which it may protect against cancer development include inhibiting the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation and preventing the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth. Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth and Metastases Epidemiological studies have linked the frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer; laboratory experiments have shown curcumin can prevent tumors from forming; and research conducted at the University of Texas suggests that even when breast cancer is already present, curcumin can help slow the spread of breast cancer cells to the lungs in mice. In this study, published in Biochemical Pharmacology (September 2005), human breast cancer cells were injected into mice, and the resulting tumors removed to simulate a mastectomy. The mice were then divided into four groups. One group received no further treatment and served as a control. A second group was given the cancer drug paclitaxel (Taxol); the third got curcumin, and the fourth was given both Taxol and curcumin. After five weeks, only half the mice in the curcumin-only group and just 22% of those in the curcumin plus Taxol group had evidence of breast cancer that had spread to the lungs. But 75% of the mice that got Taxol alone and 95% of the control group developed lung tumours. How did curcumin help? "Curcumin acts against transcription factors, which are like a master switch," said lead researcher, Bharat Aggarwal. "Transcription factors regulate all the genes needed for tumors to form. When we turn them off, we shut down some genes that are involved in the growth and invasion of cancer cells." In another laboratory study of human non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells published in Biochemical Pharmacology (September 2005), University of Texas researchers showed that curcumin inhibits the activation of NF-kappaB, a regulatory molecule that signals genes to produce a slew of inflammatory molecules (including TNF, COX-2 and IL-6) that promote cancer cell growth. In addition, curcumin was found to suppress cancer cell proliferation and to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (cell suicide) in the lung cancer cells. Early phase I clinical trials at the University of Texas are now also looking into curcumin's chemopreventive and therapeutic properties against multiple myeloma and pancreatic cancer, and other research groups are investigating curcumin's ability to prevent oral cancer. Turmeric and Onions May Help Prevent Colon Cancer Curcumin, a phytonutrient found in the curry spice turmeric, and quercitin, an antioxidant in onions, reduce both the size and number of precancerous lesions in the human intestinal tract, shows research published in the August 2006 issue of Clinical Gasteroenterology and Hepatology. Five patients with an inherited form of precancerous polyps in the lower bowel known as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) were treated with regular doses of curcumin and quercetin over an average of six months. The average number of polyps dropped 60.4%, and the average size of the polyps that did develop dropped by 50.9%. FAP runs in families and is characterized by the development of hundreds of polyps (colorectal adenomas) and, eventually, colon cancer. Recently, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen) have been used to treat some patients with this condition, but these drugs often produce significant side effects, including gastrointestinal ulcerations and bleeding, according to lead researcher Francis M. Giardiello, M.D., at the Division of Gastroenterology, Johns Hopkins University. Previous observational studies in populations that consume large amounts of curry, as well as animal research, have strongly suggested that curcumin, one of the main ingredients in Asian curries, might be effective in preventing and/or treating cancer in the lower intestine. Similarly, quercetin, an antioxidant flavonoid found in a variety of foods including onions, green tea and red wine, has been shown to inhibit growth of colon cancer cell lines in humans and abnormal colorectal cells in animals. In this study, a decrease in polyp number was observed in four of five patients at three months and four of four patients at six months. Each patient received curcumin (480 mg) and quercetin (20 mg) orally 3 times a day for 6 months. Although the amount of quercetin was similar to what many people consume daily, the curcumin consumed was more than would be provided in a typical diet because turmeric only contains on average 3-5 % curcumin by weight. While simply consuming curry and onions may not have as dramatic an effect as was produced in this study, this research clearly demonstrates that liberal use of turmeric and onions can play a protective role against the development of colorectal cancer. And turmeric doesn't have to only be used in curries. This spice is delicious on healthy sautéed apples, and healthy steamed cauliflower and/or green beans and onions. Or, for a flavor-rich, low-calorie dip, try adding some turmeric and dried onion to creamy yogurt. Turmeric Teams Up with Cauliflower to Halt Prostrate Cancer. Prostate cancer—the second leading cause of cancer death in American men with 500,000 new cases appearing each year—is a rare occurrence among men in India, whose low risk is attributed to a diet rich in brassica family vegetables and the curry spice, turmeric. Scientists tested turmeric, a concentrated source of the phytonutrient curcumin, along with phenethyl isothiocyanates, a phytochemical abundant in cruciferous vegetables including cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi and turnips. When tested singly, both phenethyl isothiocyanate and curcumin greatly retarded the growth of human prostate cancer cells implanted in immune-deficient mice. In mice with well-established prostate cancer tumors, neither phenethyl isothiocyanate nor curcumin by itself had a protective effect, but when combined, they significantly reduced both tumor growth and the ability of the prostate cancer cells to spread (metastasize) in the test animals. The researchers believe the combination of cruciferous vegetables and curcumin could be an effective therapy not only to prevent prostate cancer but to inhibit the spread of established prostate cancers. Best of all, this combination—cauliflower spiced with turmeric—is absolutely delicious! For protection against prostate cancer, cut cauliflower florets into quarters and let sit for 5-10 minutes; this allows time for the production of phenethyl isothiocyanates, which form when cruciferous vegetables are cut, but stops when they are heated. Then sprinkle with turmeric, and healthy sauté on medium heat in a few tablespoons of vegetable or chicken broth for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and top with olive oil, sea salt and pepper to taste. Reduce Risk of Childhood Leukemia Research presented at a recent conference on childhood leukemia, held in London, provides evidence that eating foods spiced with turmeric could reduce the risk of developing childhood leukemia. The incidence of this cancer has risen dramatically during the 20th century, mainly in children under age five, among whom the risk has increased by more than 50% cent since 1950 alone. Modern environmental and lifestyle factors are thought to play a major role in this increase. Childhood leukemia is much lower in Asia than Western countries, which may be due to differences in diet, one of which, the frequent use of turmeric, has been investigated in a series of studies over the last 20 years by Prof. Moolky Nagabhushan from the Loyola University Medical Centre, Chicago, IL. "Some of the known risk factors that contribute to the high incidence of childhood leukemia are the interaction of many lifestyle and environmental factors. These include prenatal or postnatal exposure to radiation, benzene, environmental pollutants and alkylating chemotherapeutic drugs. Our studies show that turmeric—and its colouring principle, curcumin—in the diet mitigate the effects of some of these risk factors." Nagabhushan has shown that the curcumin in turmeric can: inhibit the mutagenicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (carcinogenic chemicals created by the burning of carbon based fuels including cigarette smoke) inhibit radiation-induced chromosome damage prevent the formation of harmful heterocyclic amines and nitroso compounds, which may result in the body when certain processed foods, such as processed meat products that contain nitrosamines, are eaten irreversibly inhibit the multiplication of leukemia cells in a cell culture Improved Liver Function In a recent rat study conducted to evaluate the effects of turmeric on the liver's ability to detoxify xenobiotic (toxic) chemicals, levels of two very important liver detoxification enzymes (UDP glucuronyl transferase and glutathione-S-transferase) were significantly elevated in rats fed turmeric as compared to controls. The researchers commented, "The results suggest that turmeric may increase detoxification systems in addition to its anti-oxidant properties...Turmeric used widely as a spice would probably mitigate the effects of several dietary carcinogens." Curcumin has been shown to prevent colon cancer in rodent studies. When researchers set up a study to analyze how curcumin works, they found that it inhibits free radical damage of fats (such as those found in cell membranes and cholesterol), prevents the formation of the inflammatory chemical cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and induces the formation of a primary liver detoxification enzyme, glutathione S-transferase (GST) enzymes. When the rats were given curcumin for 14 days, their livers' production of GST increased by 16%, and a marker of free radical damage called malondialdehyde decreased by 36% when compared with controls. During this two week period, the researchers gave the rats a cancer-causing chemical called carbon tetrachloride. In the rats not fed curcumin, markers of free radical damage to colon cells went up, but in the rats given turmeric, this increase was prevented by dietary curcumin. Lastly, the researchers compared giving turmeric in the diet versus injecting curcumin into the rats' colons. They found injecting curcumin resulted in more curcumin in the blood, but much less in the colon mucosa. They concluded, "The results show that curcumin mixed with the diet achieves drug levels in the colon and liver sufficient to explain the pharmacological activities observed and suggest that this mode of administration may be preferable for the chemoprevention of colon cancer." Cardiovascular Protection Curcumin may be able to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the body. Since oxidized cholesterol is what damages blood vessels and builds up in the plaques that can lead to heart attack or stroke, preventing the oxidation of new cholesterol may help to reduce the progression of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. In addition, turmeric is a good source of vitamin B6, which is needed to keep homocysteine levels from getting too high. Homocysteine, an intermediate product of an important cellular process called methylation, is directly damaging to blood vessel walls. High levels of homocysteine are considered a significant risk factor for blood vessel damage, atherosclerotic plaque build-up, and heart disease; while a high intake of vitamin B6 is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. In research published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, when 10 healthy volunteers consumed 500 mg of curcumin per day for 7 days, not only did their blood levels of oxidized cholesterol drop by 33%, but their total cholesterol dropped 11.63% , and their HDL (good cholesterol) increased by 29%! (Soni KB, Kuttan R). How Turmeric Lowers Cholesterol Tumeric's cholesterol-lowering effects are the result of the curry spice's active constituent, curcumin, which research reveals is a messaging molecule that communicates with genes in liver cells, directing them to increase the production of mRNA (messenger proteins) that direct the creation of receptors for LDL (bad) cholesterol. With more LDL-receptors, liver cells are able to clear more LDL-cholesterol from the body. LDL-receptor mRNA increased sevenfold in liver cells treated with curcumin at a concentration of 10 microM, compared to untreated cells. (Liver cells were found to tolerate curcumin at levels of up to 12. microM for 24 hours). (Peschel D, Koerting R, et al. J Nutr Biochem) Practical Tips: Help increase your liver's ability to clear LDL-cholesterol by relying on turmeric, not just for delicious fish, meat or lentil curries, but to spice up healthy sautéed onions, potatoes and/or cauliflower; or as the key flavoring for a creamy vegetable dip. Just mix plain yogurt with a little omega-3-rich mayonnaise and turmeric, salt and pepper to taste. Serve with raw cauliflower, celery, sweet pepper, jicama and broccoli florets. Be sure to choose turmeric rather than prepared curry blends. Recent research indicates the amount of turmeric (and therefore curcumin) in curry blends is often minimal.(Tayyem RF et al.,Nutr Cancer) For the most curcumin, be sure to use turmeric rather curry powder—a study analyzing curcumin content in 28 spice products described as turmeric or curry powders found that pure turmeric powder had the highest concentration of curcumin, averaging 3.14% by weight. The curry powder samples, with one exception, contained very small amounts of curcumin. (Tayyem RF, Heath DD, et al. Nutr Cancer) Protection against Alzheimer's Disease Growing evidence suggests that turmeric may afford protection against neurodegenerative diseases. Epidemiological studies show that in elderly Indian populations, among whose diet turmeric is a common spice, levels of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's are very low. Concurrently, experimental research conducted recently found that curcumin does appear to slow the progression of Alzheimer's in mice. Preliminary studies in mice also suggest that curcumin may block the progression of multiple sclerosis. While it is still unclear how it may afford protection against this degenerative condition, one theory is that it may interrupt the production of IL-2, a protein that can play a key role in the destruction of myelin, the sheath that serves to protect most nerves in the body. A number of studies have suggested that curcumin, the biologically active constituent in turmeric, protects against Alzheimer's disease by turning on a gene that codes for the production of antioxidant proteins. A study published in the Italian Journal of Biochemistry (December 2003) discussed curcumin's role in the induction of the the heme oxygenase pathway, a protective system that, when triggered in brain tissue, causes the production of the potent antioxidant bilirubin, which protects the brain against oxidative (free radical) injury. Such oxidation is thought to be a major factor in aging and to be responsible for neurodegenerative disorders including dementias like Alzheimer's disease. Another study conducted jointly by an Italian and U.S. team and presented at the American Physiological Society's 2004 annual conference in Washington, DC, confirmed that curcumin strongly induces expression of the gene, called hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) in astrocytes from the hippocampal region of the brain. Curcumin Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier, May Help Prevent Alzheimer's Disease Research conducted at UCLA and published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (December 2004), which has been confirmed by further research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (April 2006), provides insight into the mechanisms behind curcumin's protective effects against Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease results when a protein fragment called amyloid-B accumulates in brain cells, producing oxidative stress and inflammation, and forming plaques between nerve cells (neurons) in the brain that disrupt brain function. Amyloid is a general term for protein fragments that the body produces normally. Amyloid-B is a protein fragment snipped from another protein called amyloid precursor protein (APP). In a healthy brain, these protein fragments are broken down and eliminated. In Alzheimer's disease, the fragments accumulate, forming hard, insoluble plaques between brain cells. The UCLA researchers first conducted test tube studies in which curcumin was shown to inhibit amyloid-B aggregation and to dissolve amyloid fibrils more effectively than the anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen and naproxen. Then, using live mice, the researchers found that curcumin crosses the blood brain barrier and binds to small amyloid-B species. Once bound to curcumin, the amyloid-B protein fragments can no longer clump together to form plaques. Curcumin not only binds to amyloid-B, but also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, supplying additional protection to brain cells. Turmeric Boosts Amyloid Plaque Clearance in Human Alzheimer's Patients The most active ingredient in turmeric root, bisdemethoxycurcumin, boosts the activity of the immune system in Alzheimer's patients, helping them to clear the amyloid beta plaques characteristic of the disease. In healthy patients, immune cells called macrophages, which engulf and destroy abnormal cells and suspected pathogens, efficiently clear amyloid beta, but macrophage activity is suppressed in Alzheimer's patients. Using blood samples from Alzheimer's patients, Drs. Milan Fiala and John Cashman have shown that bisdemethoxycurcumin boosts macrophage activity to normal levels, helping to clear amyloid beta. Fiala and Cashman also observed that bisdemethoxycurcumin was more effective in promoting the clearance of amyloid beta in some patients' blood than others, hinting at a genetic element. Further study revealed the genes involved are MGAT III and Toll-like receptors, which are also responsible for a number of other key immune functions. Bisdemethoxycurcumin enhances the transcription of these genes, correcting the immune defects seen in Alzheimer's patients. ”

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Vitamin C for Sunburn

Take vitamin C prior to sun exposure. Getting a sunburn is definitely unpleasant. By taking an extra dose of vitamin C prior to beginning your sun exposure, you are boosting your skin’s natural defenses. If you would like increased protection, consider adding vitamin E as well.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Saturday, April 9, 2016

5 Houseplants For A Green Home

I am doing a total swipe from Jessica Justh. Shame on me!! I have never heard of these plants before and I found the information useful. I hope that you do too:) 4 MAR 5 Houseplants For A Green Home Filed Under: Green Living,Home at 2:34 pm | By: Jessica Justh, Senior Editor springclean_plants When you spend most of your time indoors it’s important to make sure that your air quality is on point, which is not exactly an easy task considering how many of our everyday household products, such as furniture polish, window cleaners and wall paint contain high levels of air-polluting toxins. These items, and many more, invisibly leach harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, benzene and ammonia into the air that we breathe. Short-term exposure to these chemicals can have adverse effects on your health, ranging from minor nuisances like mouth or throat irritation all the way up to severe cases of larynx and lung swelling. Fortunately, many houseplants – as well as being relatively inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing – act as super lo-fi air purifiers. Here are just a few examples of some indoor plants that can help filter out some of the nasty junk lurking around your house… A Snake Plant is the absolute easiest plant to care for — no green thumb required. Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, a snake plant help absorbs formaldehyde and nitrogen oxides. Peace Lilies, or Mauna Loa, requires little sun and produces pretty flowers. Place one of these beauties in your bathroom or laundry room to help remove mold spores. A pet-friendly Bamboo Palm acts as a natural humidifier and can help neutralize formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Besides being known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe has been known to remove xylene and formaldehyde from the air. Plus, Aloe is great to have around for minor cuts or sun burn. A Spider Plant is another great low-maintenance plant that removes carbon monoxide and other toxins. They are easy to propagate so you can easily divide them up and place them in as many rooms as you’d like. - See more at:,+Purifying+House+Plants+%26+Beginner+Yoga+Tips&utm_campaign=Newsletter+April+2016#sthash.YxhMxvSi.dpuf A personal note: My mom always kept spider plants. I do not have much of a green thumb indoors. They would get tiny white blooms that STUNK. It was bad, lol!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Vitamin B5

This past Friday I asked Jane if she carried Vitamin B15 in her Sunflower Shop health food store. She didn't, so I told her about what I could remember reading about B15 (see my past 2 posts). I I wasn't able to order it a TripleClicks, so I ordered the best price that I had found on my web search. I'll let you know if it does anything for my energy level. I had wanted my husband to take it, but the Dr. told him to stay away from vitamins during his cancer treatment. He's only supposed to get his vitamins from food. Jane showed me B5, so the next day I had looked it up. She also has a lot of booksd that she reads on cancer there in her shop. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic A) The “Anti-Stress” Vitamin Pantothenic Acid is water soluble and is the main component that makes coenzyme A (CoA) in the body. CoA is found in all living cells making pantothenic Acid essential to sustain life. Beta-alanine, also a component of vitamin B5, is metabolized from the amino acid alanin Pantothenic Acid (as CoA) is vital for: Carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism Supporting adrenals with hormone production, including melatonin Maintenance and repair of all cells and tissues Synthesis of essential lipids Synthesis of neurotransmitters Aids in the manufacture of vitamin D Helps produce red blood cells The highest concentration of CoA is in the liver with the next highest concentration being in the adrenal glands. This is important for two reasons: The high concentration of CoA in the liver makes it possible for our body to detox the many toxic substances we are exposed to, including alcohol. With high concentrations of CoA in the adrenals, the adrenals are able to make the hormone corticosterone. This hormone is critical to the body’s ability to respond to the many kinds of stress we encounter. Conditions Related to Pantothenic Acid Deficiency The following diseases and conditions have been linked with pantothenic acid deficiency and have shown improvement with supplementation: Stress and fatigue Insomnia Arthritis neurological disorders Abdominal pain and distention Burning feet Upper respiratory infection Adrenal fatigue Alcoholism Bruxism (Grinding teeth) Acne It should be noted that dosages as high as 30,000 mg have shown great success in the treatment of acne. Toxicity Pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and unlikely to reach toxic levels as your body simply eliminates what it cannot use. Mega-dosages of any vitamin can cause some discomfort, generally in the form of gastrointestinal upset. If this occurs, simply reduce the dose until the discomfort discontinues

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dimethyl glycine (DMG)

Dimethylglycine is an amino acid, a building block for protein. It is found in the body in very small amounts and for only seconds at a time. People use dimethylglycine to make medicine. Dimethylglycine is used for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), allergies, respiratory disorders, pain and swelling (inflammation), cancer, alcoholism, and drug addiction. It is also used to improve speech and behavior in autism, nervous system function, liver function, the body’s use of oxygen, and athletic performance. Some people use it to reduce stress and the effects of aging, as well as boost the immune system’s defenses against infection. Dimethylglycine is also used to lower bloodcholesterol and triglycerides, and to help bring blood pressure and blood sugar into normal range. In the 1980s, a federal court in Chicago banned the interstate sale of a brand of dimethylglycine, stating that it was an unsafe food additive. How does it work? Dimethylglycine might help improve the way the body's immune system works. Personal Note "This was banned"??!! Source: Dimethyl glycine (DMG) has been used in the United States as a substitute for B15 because it is believed to increase Pangamic Acid production in the body. Dimethyl glycine combines with gluconic acid to form Pangamic Acid. DMG is considered the active component of Pangamic Acid. Pangamic Acid is found in: - Whole grains such as brown rice - Brewer's yeast - Pumpkin and sunflower seeds - Apricot kernels - Beef blood B15 helps in the formation of specific amino acids such as methionine. It plays a role in the oxidation of glucose in cell respiration. Like vitamin E, it acts as an antioxidant helping to lengthen cell life through its protection from oxidation. Pangamic Acid mildly stimulates the endocrine and nervous systems, and by enhancing liver function, it helps in the detoxification process. B15 has been shown to lower blood cholesterol, improve circulation and general oxygenation of cells and tissues, and is helpful for arteriosclerosis and hypertension - some of America's most common diseases. In Europe, vitamin B15 has been used to treat premature aging because of both its circulatory stimulus and its antioxidant effects. It helps protect the body from pollutants, especially carbon monoxide. Pangamic acid (and possibly DMG) offers support for anyone living in a large polluted city or under high-stress. As previously mentioned, in Russia, Pangamic Acid is used in treating alcohol dependency and is believed to reduce alcohol cravings. It has been reported to diminish hangovers. B15 has also been used to treat fatigue, as well as asthma and rheumatism, and it even has some anti-allergic properties. Some child psychiatrists have reported good results using Pangamic Acid with emotionally disturbed children; it is used to stimulate their speaking ability and related mental functions. B15 may also be a helpful nutrient for autism, but more precise research is needed. It is currently illegal to distribute B15 in the United States, though it was used as a supplement for some time through the 1970s. The most common form of Pangamic Acid is calcium pangamate, but it appears as dimethyl glycine (DMG), the active component hailed in Russia. Pangamic Acid, or DMG, is often taken with vitamin E and vitamin A. A common amount of DMG is 50-100 mg. taken twice daily, usually with breakfast and dinner. This level of intake may improve general energy levels, support the immune system, and reduce alcohol cravings, making it very helpful in moderating chronic alcohol problems. For more information on vitamin B15, visit The Richardson Cancer Prevention Diet. Source:

Nature's Nutrients, This is what I had read and discovered Vitamin B15

Free-Mart’s Nature’s Nutrients is one of the most nutrient-dense food sources on the planet. It is a whole food that is full of complex nutrients which work together synergistically to restore optimal health. It is the result of a specialized processing of rice concentrates and extracts. It consists of perfect chains of essential fatty acids, trace minerals, amino acids, PhytoNutrients, glyconutrients, and over 90 powerful antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be 6,000 times more effective than vitamin E. Because they are in perfect ratio with each other, they are absorbed into the body – not as bits and pieces but as whole organic structures. These building blocks of nutrition help repair organs (like the heart and liver) at the cellular level. These nutrients slow aging and aid the body to repair, rebuild, and restore itself. Its powerful glyconutrients help all other nutrients that you ingest to work better. Nature’s Nutrients is yeast-free, starch free and sugar-free. And because it is a whole-food instead of a drug or supplement, there is no danger of overdosing on antioxidants, or its other substances. Free radicals attack the outer walls of your cells, leaving gaping holes that deplete oxygen and cause leakage of cellular fluids, all of which damages the DNA within. This damage can lead to cell dysfunction, cell death, or the transformation of the injured cells into cancerous cells. It has been estimated that each of your cells receives as many as 10,000 oxidative hits per day. This demonstrates why the consumption of potent antioxidants is crucial for our health. Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, however, antioxidants do not work effectively by themselves. They need to be part of an antioxidant system. The principal antioxidant compounds present in Nature’s Nutrients are tocotrienols, tocopherols, and oryzanols. The first two compounds include eight different chemical forms that together are commonly referred to as vitamin E. The least active tocotrienol antioxidant is 40 to 60 times more potent than vitamin E. And the most active tocotrienol found in Nature’s Nutrients is up to 1,000 times more powerful than vitamin E’s alpha tocopherol. Furthermore, some of the compounds in our stabilized rice polishings have over 10-times greater antioxidant activity than pycnogenol. Nature’s Nutrients contain the universal antioxidant lipoic acid. Lipoic acid is not only the ideal anti-aging antioxidant but also an essential coenzyme factor in the production of energy. Lipoic acid can go anywhere in the body because of its unique characteristic of being both water-and fat-soluble. Lipoic acid is especially good for diabetics since it stabilizes blood sugar, reduces energy swings and reduces sugar cravings. Glutathione is another antioxidant found in Nature’s Nutrients. Glutathione has been named the “master antioxidant” because without it, other antioxidants have little value in reducing oxidative stress. Glutathione is often a missing factor when battling weight gain, hyperactivity, alcohol, sugar, caffeine addiction, allergies, arthritis, cataracts and lung, skin, prostate and bladder cancers. Increasing Glutathione levels can be of major benefit when fighting any battle with disease. Most individuals over the age 65 are deficient in glutathione which makes them susceptible to all kinds of disease, especially cancer. Glutathione is also a powerful detoxifier and without cleaning your body terrain, all other remedies will prove less effective. Nature’s Nutrients contains the anti-aging antioxidant mineral selenium. Working together with vitamin E, selenium strengthens your immune system, thyroid functions and it works to keep your heart, liver and pancreas healthy. Ane one of the major benefits of selenium is its ability to fight cancer. Another nutrient found in Nature’s Nutrients is gamma-oryzanol which can be effective in reducing stress and lowering elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Several studies show how gamma-oryzanol has beneficial effects on menopausal problems, hormone imbalances, head and neck injuries and other autonomic nervous system problems. The gamma-oryzanol and ferulic acid combination found naturally in Nature’s Nutrients stabilized rice concentrates is a favorite of athletes. Not only has it been shown to increase muscle mass and muscle strength, but also to improve body composition, decrease body fat, while enhancing recovery times and reducing muscle soreness. Russian athletes found that vitamin B-15 (pangamic acid) increased oxygen to the cells, thus increasing endurance. Nature’s Nutrients is an excellent source of all the B Vitamins including B-15. B Vitamins help protect neurons against damage in nerve cells and omega-3 fatty acids found in Nature’s Nutrients keep nerve cells firing at optimal speed. If you are not eating nutrient-dense whole food then you are not protecting or feeding your cells properly. Starving unprotected cells equals discomfort, disease, premature aging and death. Nature’s Nutrients is a cell-ready food and the most nutrient-dense food source known. It contains one of the largest arrays of antioxidants, plus and army of other nutrients including phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, and the essential fatty acids. The essential fatty acids (oils of life) in Nature’s Nutrients create the mortar that holds your body together, protects your cells, improves hormone production and balance (insufficiency can cause P.M.S., menopausal problems, low testosterone, and infertility), reduces brain fog, pain, UV damage to the skin, and wrinkles. These essential fatty acids also protect against pesticides and other toxins. Nature’s Nutrients may offer protection from premature aging, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and certain eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. It provides the nutritional therapy and protection that your diet often does not have. This benefit is critical for individuals who are suffering from fatigue and low energy and often turn to coffee, colas, or other stimulants for help. Nature’s Nutrients provide natural energy which can stop the need for stimulants of any kind. Dramatic results have been seen with diabetics and older people. Elderly people benefit greatly from these nutrients. In addition to the stabilized rice concentrates, we have added the seeds and skin of Muscadine Grapes, which are perhaps the best source of Resveratrol. Researchers believe that evidence is sufficiently strong enough to conclude that a single dose of resveratrol is able to induce beneficial physiologic responses which are known to be anti-aging. Resveratrol also contains other powerful antioxidants which protect and restore immune function, resulting in a broad spectrum protection from oxidative stress throughout the body. These two natural food combinations assist in giving your body what it needs “naturally” and science still can’t duplicate or replace what God has given to us naturally. “When you implement an optimal nutrition program, don’t expect rapid results because the body needs time to grow new improved cells,” says Dr. Michael Colgan. After many years in sports nutrition, the shortest program that he gives to any athlete is six months. You should consider the same approach. Give your body good nutrition for the next 3-6 months and you may be pleasantly surprsed at the results as newer and healthier cells gradually replace the old and worn out ones. It may take a year to replace all all of your bones, but even in as little as six months you can potentially see some amazing results. Source: I found one Item only of vitamin B15 at Vitacost: Guaranteed specifications in Nature’s Nutrients: Protein 12 – 16%; Fat 18 – 23%; Total Dietary Fiber 23 – 35%; Total Carbohydrates 45 – 55% Nature’s Nutrient Bars Mix together in a large bowl: 1 container of Nature’s Nutrients (1#) 2 cups sesame seeds 1 ½ cups raisins 4 cups old fashion rolled oats (not instant) 1½ cups other chopped fruit of choice (papaya, apricots, pineapple, coconut, dates, etc.) 2 ½ cups chopped nuts and sunflower seeds In a sauce pan melt over low heat: 1 ½ cups sweetener (honey, maple syrup); 3 cups natural peanut butter or other nut butter; 1½ cups water. Add 3 Teaspoons Vanilla, Maple, Lemon, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Orange, or flavoring of your choice. These are your bars so add things you like to eat and enjoy. Pour over the dry mixture and shape into balls or bars, then wrap and put into your fridge or freezer.

Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid)

There is much confusion surrounding Vitamin B15, also referred to as pangamic acid, DMG, or calcium pangamate? More than likely, many of you have never heard of any of these terms. Neither did I until today. Some claim B15 to be pangamic acid, while others claim it to be calcium pangamate. There are also sources that claim it to be N, N dimethylglycine (DMG). Some websites suggest that Vitamin B15, panoramic acid and calcium pangamate are synonymous terms. So let’s take a look at each in an attempt to clarify. The following have all been claimed to be Vitamin B15: Pangamic acid: An ester derived from gluconic acid and dimethylglycine Calcium pangamate: The calcium salt of pangamic acid N, N-Dimethylglycine (DMG): A derivative of the amino acid glycine It is clear from the above definitions that these are three different compounds that should not be construed to be the same thing. To confuse the matter even more, the meaning of Vitamin B15 differs depending on geographic location. In other words, the USA infers that Vitamin B15 is pangamic acid; while Russia infers that Vitamin B15 is calcium pangamate. But not the same calcium pangamate listed above! In Russia it is believed to be a combination of the calcium salt of pangamic acid (calcium pangamate), calcium gluconate and N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), which they call Calgam. SOURCE: Why do you need Vitamin B15 (“Pangamic acid”)? Intermediary metabolite involving several physiological systems Improves oxygen utilization Improves circulation Improves glucose metabolism Aids in production of neurotransmitters Aids in production of hormones Aids DNA Enhances the immune system by increasing the immune response Normalizes blood glucose levels Supports liver detoxification Methylation of DNA Antiviral Antibacterial Anti-tumor Detoxifies chemical poisoning Enhances liver function Conditions Related to Vitamin B15 Deficiency Cancer Angina pectoris Atherosclerosis Chronic Inflammation Arthritis High LDL Cholesterol Hypertension Cirrhosis of liver Asthma Emphysema Alcoholism Autism Hepatitis Hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the body) Rheumatic fever Rheumatism Chemical poisoning Exposure to chronic environmental pollutants Chronic pain Chronic fatigue Seizures Also See:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Shop Products From Sustainability Leaders

Shop Products From Sustainability Leaders: The sustainability index is central to our ability to deliver sustainable products for our customers. . ... .... .....

Saturday, March 19, 2016

It Surprised Me to Learn That Our Bodies Have Hydrogen Peroxide in Them

Hydrogen peroxide is produced by reactions in our bodies. If it were allowed to build up it would kill us. Fortunately we have an enzyme in the cells in our bodies where hydrogen peroxide is produced called catalase. This enzyme catalyses the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into harmless water and oxygen. Catalase is an antioxidant enzyme that, like superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase, is produced naturally within the body. It helps the body to convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, thus preventing the formation of carbon dioxide bubbles in the blood. Catalase also uses hydrogen peroxide to break down potentially harmful toxins in the body, including alcohol, phenol, and formaldehyde. We need oxygen to live, yet when our bodies use oxygen they produce free radicals that damage cell membranes, proteins, and DNA. Free radicals are chemically unstable atoms or molecules that cause other atoms and molecules in the body to become unstable as well, a process that causes extensive damage to cells and tissue, and could lead to a depressed immune system, infection, cardiovascular disease, joint disease, and mental decline. Free radicals are also thought to be a key component of the aging process. Catalase works closely with superoxide dismutase to prevent free radical damage to the body. SOD converts the dangerous superoxide radical to hydrogen peroxide, which catalase converts to harmless water and oxygen. Catalases are some of the most efficient enzymes found in cells; each catalase molecule can convert millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules every second. Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring but destructive waste product of all oxygen-dependent organisms. It is produced in the human body when fatty acids are converted to energy, and when white blood cells attack and kill bacteria. Catalase, which is located in the cell’s peroxisome, prevents this naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide from harming the cell during these processes. It also helps prevent the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to hydroxyl radicals, potentially dangerous molecules that can attack and even mutate DNA. It has been theorized that one of the primary reasons cells age is the damage to DNA caused by free radicals and oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide, and that elevating levels of the body’s natural free-radical fighters—SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase—could both improve human health and increase human lifespan. Dr.Martin Chalfie and his colleagues at Columbia University found new evidence supporting this theory, when they recently discovered and isolated a gene in nematodes that uses catalase to neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage. Mutating this gene to turn catalase production on and off increased and decreased the lifespan of the nematode accordingly. It may be that human aging, like that of the nematode, is a result of exposure to free radicals rather than the passage of time. Catalase, superoxide dismutase, methionine reductase, and glutathione peroxidase are all manufactured in the body. However, if you want to try to combat the effects of aging or ward off serious illness, you may want to supplement these enzymes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How to Build a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden out of Wood - Backyard Gardening.

How to Build a Raised Bed Vegetable Garden out of Wood - Backyard Gardening.


TRUTH 15: THE DANGER LURKING IN MIDDLE GROCERY STORE AISLES Dr. Wysong The simplicity of knowing what you are getting when you shop the meat and produce aisles at the grocery store is lost once you move into the center aisles. That's the domain of the processed food industry where food is disguised. How can consumers really know what's in the syrups, gravies, flakes, powders, and creams? I mean really. A label is just words. In the middle aisles, words are traded for real, identifiable foods. Food magicians with their bevy of marketing and label cosmeticians are skilled at convincing consumers that what lies within is "value-added" and far better than what can be found at the meat and produce counters, or harvested out of the backyard garden. Words and pictures are also a lot cheaper than real nutritional merit. Deception is not so easy with an apple, a bundle of lettuce, or a lamb chop, which are clearly what they are. True, all foods are regulated, but no government official watches over what goes into every package, nor are they qualified to determine true health merit. We hope there is honesty and health skill in the food industry, but the lure of $ can skew ethical judgment. This is not to mention the nutritionally vitiating effects of processing itself. With regard to pet foods, in particular, unlike almost everything in grocery stores that is just intended as components, condiments, or recreation (a lot of that) for human menus, pet foods are pushed as "100% complete" meals. Nobody knows what "100% complete" is with certainty. So the claim is deceptive and dangerous for those who believe it and feed the same food meal after meal. (The claim is actually mandated by regulators--a travesty of regulatory authority--and embraced heartily by producers who want consumers to feed their food relentlessly.) This is not to say that processed foods cannot have merit, even a lot of merit. But discerning that requires some study and thought not only about the products, but the people who are producing them. Even then, packaged foods should never totally replace real fresh foods found at the perimeter of the grocery store. Video: Pitbull and cat befriend baby chicks A heartwarming video of a Pitbull and cat befriending and caring for baby chicks. pawprints Thought for the day: "Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to." Joe Gores Word for the day: glucosamine – noun: A monosaccharide that promotes joint and cartilage health

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Acetogenins and Shrinking Cancer Tumors

I skimmed through the HSI video this morning, click here: There are some interesting references to big pharmacies suppressing certain treatments. You can get the 2016 HSI book free for a limited time, but I bet that paying a year membership is required. I typed in acetogenins and got = Worth noting since this mentions a tree: Graviola Tree - Graviola Liquid, Graviola Tree Leaf and Stems Indigenous peoples from the Amazon jungle have used the bark, leaves, roots, flowers, fruit, and seed from the graviola tree for centuries to treat heart disease, ... HSI states that the answer is in Genesis, Chapter two. HSI has been around for 18 years.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Plantain Plant (Weed)

I have passed this particular "weed" in the past. I thought that it looked like a Hosta plant Dr.Christopher's Herbal Legacy has the most information on the 3 links that I had checked. If you are interested, there is more to read on their website. Here are just a few things below. Plantain is an Alterative meaning that it is one of about 100 plants that clean and correct impure conditions of the blood and the eliminative tissues and organs. Dr. John R. Christopher explains that although many herbs might work fast on a given organ to relieve engorgement to really be an Alterative herb it must do the job slowly but surely, toning the organs as well as cleaning the blood. This herb does that and can be used completely. The roots, leaves, flowers and seeds can be used internally or externally. Plantain is #1 in the field of blood poisoning treatment. You can see the healing at work. Swelling goes down and the “red” line recedes. Limbs poisoned can be saved using this herb. It is used as a poultice on the outside and taken as a tea on the inside. Michael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D. states that plantain is an herb that will “dry excess moisture and remove excess fat where toxins are retained.” (Tierra, p. 13) Plantain is also a diuretic so is useful for kidney and bladder problems. It is taken throughout the day as a tea to help the kidneys and bladder. It is used in bed-wetting challenges. It also helps dropsy and water retention. Sometimes diuretics should be teamed with a demulcent herb to buffer the effects on the kidneys. There is no research or recommendations that taking plantain tea requires ones. Actually, plantain itself is a demulcent also. *I made paragraphs, tried 3 times to fix this, but in the Preview all the paragraphs turn into one long sentence. Sorry about that.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Secret Society – Best E-Juice Ever

Secret Society – Best E-Juice Ever: Throw away the cancer sticks, and never need another one again! You have seen the devices for e-liquids around every day. . ... .... .... .....

Interesting concept.  I don't know if I'd try it.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Shiaqga Plant for Health

The wild Shiaqga is considered one of the most powerful weapons in fighting against illness and disease. It modulates the immune system by as much as 4000% within 20 hours after taking Shiaqga. It contains 3-beta-D-glucans that are known to be anti-aging. Shiaqga is an ancient Native American Medicine that over the last century was forgotten by all but the most dedicated Medicine Men and Women. Now, thanks to these dedicated few, it has recently become available to everyone. The Wild Shiaqga is considered by many Native American Practitioners to be their most powerful weapon in the fight against illness and disease. The 3-beta-D-glucans, which make up a large part of the cellular structure of this herb, causes a pan-systemic modulation of T-Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophil White Blood Cells when ingested. The number of T-Cells has been shown to increase in number and viability by as much as 4000% within 20 hoursafter taking Shiaqga! Macrophages and Neutrophils are the two cells upon which all other Immune Cells depend. You can have many viable B-Cells and T-Cells, but they will not be effective without the programming provided by the “Communicator” cells that assist in activating the healing stem cells found in your body. Shiaqga also contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, and blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors. How Germanium Benefits Your Health Loaded with Germanium, Shiaqga is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances known and the Beta-glucan molecules in Shiaqga cause a system immune modulation and response cascade. In other words, Shiaqga causes the body to produce a vast number of the specific immune cells needed to make proper use of the antioxidants found in the food you eat, and at the same time it provides a powerful source of antioxidant germanium that you would not normally be able to acquire in any other way. As a semiconductor element, Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to balance the body’s ions (bio-electricity) and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body. Balancing the Body’s Ions and Removing Excess Positive (Poison) Ions The Germanium atom has thirty-two electrons with four of them constantly moving unsteadily along its outermost shell. These four electrons are negative-charge carriers. When approached by a foreign substance, one of these four electrons will be ejected out of its orbit once the temperature is above 32 degrees Celsius. This famous semiconductor phenomenon is known in electronics as ‘the positive hole effect’. The remaining three electrons will seize an electron from other atoms in order to maintain balance. In essence, once in contact with the human skin, the negatively charged ions from the millions of Germanium atoms will attract the harmful positively charged ions from the body. This process is also known as the dehydrogenation effect where oxygen atoms combine with hydrogen ions which have accumulated in the body to remove them. Our current urban lifestyle exposes the human body to harmful positive ions generated from mobile phones, computers, electronic and electrical equipment, chemicals, acid rain and ultraviolet rays. Hence, the negative-charge ion from Germanium will help in blood purification and balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. This also achieves muscle relieving effects as well as reducing fatigue and tiredness. While scientific research has not been conclusive, some people are said to have experienced the various benefits: Strengthens immune system. Increases blood circulation Raises oxygen levels Speeds up metabolism of body cells Regulates positive and negative ions within the body Removes harmful toxins Relieves joint and muscle pain Alleviates physical stress, stiffness, cramps or discomfort Controls swelling Reduces water retention Relieves fatigue and tiredness Promotes quality sleep Slows down aging Increases and maintains body warmth Counteract harmful positive ions generated by electrical and electronic appliances (e.g. mobile phones, computers, televisions) and industrial wastes It should be noted that the above benefits experienced may vary from individual to individual. Beta-glucans (Beta 1, 3-D Glucan) found in Shiaqga aid as an antidepressant, anti-diabetic, anti-leukemic, antimicrobial (fungus, bacteria, and virus), anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, regulates blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, promotes healing, and so forth. The Beta-glucans in Shiaqga have been scientifically found to regulate production and function of basophil and eosinophil white blood cells, reducing inflammation, pain and fever. Shiaqga contains 94,000,000 biologically active Beta-glucan molecules in every serving. Other top selling beta glucan supplements do not even come close to this amount. Why has the information about the quantity and the quality of the Beta-glucans and other phytoceuticals in Shiaqga not been made available to the world sooner? The simple answer is that production of bio available Beta-glucan products has been bogged down in the costly process of obtaining the proper molecules from the cell walls of yeast. Only recently was it discovered that one of the Sacred Plants of the Native Americans contained vastly greater amounts of this important compound than any other source. It has taken this discovery, the far-reaching impact, and the right team of people to make Shiaqga commercially available. It stands to reason that if the immune system is strengthened, numerous ailments and illnesses can be aided and alleviated. There is impressive scientific research demonstrating that the Black Cumin found in Shiaqga has some very beneficial, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Long used as a traditional remedy for colds and viral infections, Black Cumin is still a good choice to use for those illnesses. In contrast to synthetic cold and flu medications, using Shiaqga with Black Cumin may help strengthen the immune system so the body is able to heal quickly and resist additional infections. People who are under extreme stress tend to be much more susceptible to illness. The Black Cumin contains unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and gamma Linolenic – all essential for a healthy immune system. One of the most important components in Black Cumin is the volatile oil Nigellone which is known to be effective for bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies. It has the ability to expand and relax the airways, reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and works against allergic reactions. Long-term supplementation with Black Cumin has been shown to reduce allergic symptoms up to 90%. The saponin and nigellin in Black Cumin give it its appetite-enhancing and digestion-stimulating qualities. It acts as an antihistamine and pain reliever. Research on Black Cumin has focused on its positive effects on the immune system. Scientists know that Black Cumin stimulates bone marrow and immune cells, raises the interferon production, protects the body against viruses, destroys tumor cells and inhibits infection. Research revealed that Black Cumin possesses antibiotic properties that act against a wide spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In side-by-side tests Black Cumin matched or exceeded the effectiveness of ampicillin in defeating gram-positive bacteria. Laboratory tests also indicate that Black Cumin may hold promise in fighting cancer cells. The study shows that Black Cumin is superior to other medicines in many regards. It proved to be more effective than chemotherapy and radiation treatments – without their serious side effects. The Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of South Carolina ran a series of experiments in which mice were infected with tumor cells. Two thirds of the animals treated with Black Cumin oil were still alive thirty days after being infected. In contrast, all the mice that did not receive Black Cumin treatment died within the same time period. Concentration problems are not limited to the elderly. The main causes are lack of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, stress, pressure and internal conflicts that lower the ability to concentrate. Using Black Cumin regularly may ensure you will keep a clear head even in old age. The Peppermint found in Shiaqga may benefit the respiratory system, assist with flu, colds, asthma, bronchitis, fevers, throat infections, sinusitis, spasmodic coughs, colic, cramps, and toothaches. It is stimulates, strengthens and is beneficial for mental alertness, shock, fatigue, nervous stress, fainting, headaches, vertigo, and migraines. It assists indigestion, colic, motion sickness, nausea, gas, diarrhea, halitosis, breath freshener and heartburn. It has been reported that Peppermint directly effects the brain’s center, which triggers a sensation of fullness after a meal. Peppermint increases circulation, opens the sensory system, fights bacteria, inflammation, varicose veins, swelling, spasms, neuralgia, muscle and joint pain, palpitations, and jet lag. It stimulates the gallbladder, liver, female problems, regulates menstruation, hot flashes, and cramps. Peppermint is beneficial for itchy skin, sunburns, arthritis, acne, dermatitis, poison ivy, scabies, lice, and ringworm. It promotes hair growth as well as balances the pH levels on the head for healthy and shiny hair. Beneficial for liver problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, dispels pride, and inferiority. The Lemon found in Shiaqga assists indigestion, gas, intestinal parasites, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. It cleanses the lymphatic system, the smell is stimulating to the brain, clears thoughts, mental fatigue, helps concentration and focus, and fights infectious diseases. It is beneficial for mouth ulcers, colds, flu, herpes, throat infection, asthma, bronchitis, anemia, heart-burn, varicose veins, tightens blood vessels, rheumatism, arthritis, gallstones, dyspepsia, and gout. Lemon is used for uterine infections, intestinal parasites, respiratory issues, colds, flu, throat infections, asthma, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, herpes, brittle nails, acne, boils, warts, corns, stops nose bleeds, gland stimulation and purification, cellulite, high blood pressure, poor circulation, and reduces fevers. It is beneficial as a general tonic using a drop or two every couple of hours in water, varicose veins, liver spots, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, rheumatism, arthritis, gallstones, gout, eye disorders, and lowers blood sugar levels. It is an astringent, antiseptic, and stimulates the immune system in the formation of red and white blood cells, is beneficial for Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. Lemon assists with debility, anxiety, apathy, nervous conditions, emotional clarity, awareness, brings joy, relieves touchiness, grudges, and resentment. The Cinnamon Bark found in Shiaqga assists circulation, lowering glucose, strengthens the heart, endocrine, and nervous systems. It assists in controlling diabetes by normalizing triglycerides and lowering blood sugars. It is a general health tonic and enhances the action and activity of other essential oils. It is an immune stimulant and has been found that viruses, bacteria, and fungus cannot live in this oil. Traditionally used against inflammation, parasites, typhoid, infections, tropical infection, flu, colds, coughs, warts, aching joints, cramps, arthritis, rheumatism, and is a general all around maintenance oil, and general sexual stimulant raising the libido. It is beneficial for circulation, strengthens the heart, endocrine, and nervous systems. Powerful antioxidant capacity and anti-microbial benefits. It assists with increasing energy, is a digestive stimulant, beneficial for the digestive system in such conditions as motion sickness, diarrhea, ulcers, intestinal parasites, urinary infections, and helps the metabolic process. It is also beneficial for stimulating memory, tightens muscles, and combats acid conditions. Cinnamon Bark is a powerful purifier, enhances the action, and activity of other oils it is blended with.

Loaded with Germanium, Shiaqga is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances known

Shiaqga In Ultra 1; Source: FaceBook, Ultra Earth page For millennia, the tribes of the Columbia River Basin have been using a sacred herb called Shiaqga for Traditional Native American Healing. Shiaqga literally means, "To give life." Now, after decades of medical and scientific processes used to discover why the chemistry of this remarkable food promotes health to such a large extent – even “Pan-systemic” or complete body benefits – Shiaqga has found its place worldwide. Dr. Landis, National Board Certified Naturopath, has said after extensive review and studies, personal and student use, “In a way only surpassed perhaps by Vitamin C research, the phytoceuticals of Shiaqga have been widely studied by medical and pharmacological researchers in leading American research colleges and hospitals, such as Bethesda Naval Hospital, Harvard University, Cornell University, Baylor Medical College, and reported in such trusted journals as the Townsend Letter, JAMA, Journal of Immunology, etc.…The biologically active components have been so rigorously examined in the laboratory…it is evident that the multiple health benefits of Shiaqga are supported by scientific investigation… I am convinced that Shiaqga will, without a doubt, entirely eclipse every other natural health supplement ever produced.” Source: Loaded with Germanium, Shiaqga is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances known and the Beta-glucan molecules in Shiaqga cause a system immune modulation and response cascade. In other words, Shiaqga causes the body to produce a vast number of the specific immune cells needed to make proper use of the antioxidants found in the food you eat, and at the same time it provides a powerful source of antioxidant germanium that you would not normally be able to acquire in any other way. As a semiconductor element, Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to balance the body’s ions (bio-electricity) and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body. I had forgotten about Germanium. I came across the Shiaqga plant and went back to where I had purchased it 2 summers ago. I was taking this formula with the brown label. I noticed that my wrinkles were disappearing, then Vitacost took it off their list . The pink label formula didn't have that effect! I found in a description "Over 95% of my hair analysis patients are depleted in germanium. So, what IS this natural element, and why is it important to your health? The brown color label bottle is Jarrow Formulas Germanium Ge-132. That is the Jarrow formula to look for (Ge-132). I had originally discovered Germanium looking for prostrate cancer cures. Germanium is not a cancer cure, but it does help carry oxygen to the cells. I have heard of oxygen therapy for cancer. he notion that oxygen might selectively destroy cancer cells goes back to the 1930s, when Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, M.D., discovered that, compared to normal cells, cancer cells have a low respiration rate. He proposed that if cancer cells are adapted to survive and grow in low-oxygen environments, they would die off if exposed to higher levels of that element. While that may sound plausible, we now know that Dr. Warburg was wrong. Oxygen doesn't slow cancer growth - in fact, tumors often grow rapidly in tissues well supplied with oxygenated blood. Nor does depriving tumors of oxygen stimulate their growth. Moreover, a study published in the Spring/Summer 1998 issue of Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine noted that since human tissues require 200 to 250 milliliters (ml) of oxygen per minute, the maximum additional amount that could be dissolved in all of the plasma of a normal weight adult would hardly be enough to make a difference in how much cancer cells would receive. Nutritionally, the natural element germanium has been known to aid in the prevention of cancer and AIDS. Certain compounds of germanium have toxic effects against certain bacteria. In its organic form, germanium is being hailed as one of the greatest new developments in the nutritional treatment of cancer. The estimated daily intake for germanium is 1 mg. Germanium has been reported to improve the immune system, boost the body's oxygen supply, make a person feel more energetic, and destroy damaging free radicals. Germanium also protects against radiation. Organic germanium is a biological-response modifier. This means it enables the body to change its response to tumors, which has therapeutic benefits. Germanium does not directly attack cancer cells, but stimulates the body's immune system, making it effective in the treatment of cancer as well as other degenerative diseases. A number of human cancer trials have been conducted with organic germanium. A summary of Phase I and Phase II human clinical trials reveals that orally administered organic germanium induces interferon production, restores previously impaired immune response, and has shown extremely low toxicity." There is also a You Tube Video about the plant,