Sunday, February 28, 2016

Acetogenins and Shrinking Cancer Tumors

I skimmed through the HSI video this morning, click here: There are some interesting references to big pharmacies suppressing certain treatments. You can get the 2016 HSI book free for a limited time, but I bet that paying a year membership is required. I typed in acetogenins and got = Worth noting since this mentions a tree: Graviola Tree - Graviola Liquid, Graviola Tree Leaf and Stems Indigenous peoples from the Amazon jungle have used the bark, leaves, roots, flowers, fruit, and seed from the graviola tree for centuries to treat heart disease, ... HSI states that the answer is in Genesis, Chapter two. HSI has been around for 18 years.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Plantain Plant (Weed)

I have passed this particular "weed" in the past. I thought that it looked like a Hosta plant Dr.Christopher's Herbal Legacy has the most information on the 3 links that I had checked. If you are interested, there is more to read on their website. Here are just a few things below. Plantain is an Alterative meaning that it is one of about 100 plants that clean and correct impure conditions of the blood and the eliminative tissues and organs. Dr. John R. Christopher explains that although many herbs might work fast on a given organ to relieve engorgement to really be an Alterative herb it must do the job slowly but surely, toning the organs as well as cleaning the blood. This herb does that and can be used completely. The roots, leaves, flowers and seeds can be used internally or externally. Plantain is #1 in the field of blood poisoning treatment. You can see the healing at work. Swelling goes down and the “red” line recedes. Limbs poisoned can be saved using this herb. It is used as a poultice on the outside and taken as a tea on the inside. Michael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D. states that plantain is an herb that will “dry excess moisture and remove excess fat where toxins are retained.” (Tierra, p. 13) Plantain is also a diuretic so is useful for kidney and bladder problems. It is taken throughout the day as a tea to help the kidneys and bladder. It is used in bed-wetting challenges. It also helps dropsy and water retention. Sometimes diuretics should be teamed with a demulcent herb to buffer the effects on the kidneys. There is no research or recommendations that taking plantain tea requires ones. Actually, plantain itself is a demulcent also. *I made paragraphs, tried 3 times to fix this, but in the Preview all the paragraphs turn into one long sentence. Sorry about that.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Secret Society – Best E-Juice Ever

Secret Society – Best E-Juice Ever: Throw away the cancer sticks, and never need another one again! You have seen the devices for e-liquids around every day. . ... .... .... .....

Interesting concept.  I don't know if I'd try it.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Shiaqga Plant for Health

The wild Shiaqga is considered one of the most powerful weapons in fighting against illness and disease. It modulates the immune system by as much as 4000% within 20 hours after taking Shiaqga. It contains 3-beta-D-glucans that are known to be anti-aging. Shiaqga is an ancient Native American Medicine that over the last century was forgotten by all but the most dedicated Medicine Men and Women. Now, thanks to these dedicated few, it has recently become available to everyone. The Wild Shiaqga is considered by many Native American Practitioners to be their most powerful weapon in the fight against illness and disease. The 3-beta-D-glucans, which make up a large part of the cellular structure of this herb, causes a pan-systemic modulation of T-Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophil White Blood Cells when ingested. The number of T-Cells has been shown to increase in number and viability by as much as 4000% within 20 hoursafter taking Shiaqga! Macrophages and Neutrophils are the two cells upon which all other Immune Cells depend. You can have many viable B-Cells and T-Cells, but they will not be effective without the programming provided by the “Communicator” cells that assist in activating the healing stem cells found in your body. Shiaqga also contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, and blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors. How Germanium Benefits Your Health Loaded with Germanium, Shiaqga is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances known and the Beta-glucan molecules in Shiaqga cause a system immune modulation and response cascade. In other words, Shiaqga causes the body to produce a vast number of the specific immune cells needed to make proper use of the antioxidants found in the food you eat, and at the same time it provides a powerful source of antioxidant germanium that you would not normally be able to acquire in any other way. As a semiconductor element, Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to balance the body’s ions (bio-electricity) and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body. Balancing the Body’s Ions and Removing Excess Positive (Poison) Ions The Germanium atom has thirty-two electrons with four of them constantly moving unsteadily along its outermost shell. These four electrons are negative-charge carriers. When approached by a foreign substance, one of these four electrons will be ejected out of its orbit once the temperature is above 32 degrees Celsius. This famous semiconductor phenomenon is known in electronics as ‘the positive hole effect’. The remaining three electrons will seize an electron from other atoms in order to maintain balance. In essence, once in contact with the human skin, the negatively charged ions from the millions of Germanium atoms will attract the harmful positively charged ions from the body. This process is also known as the dehydrogenation effect where oxygen atoms combine with hydrogen ions which have accumulated in the body to remove them. Our current urban lifestyle exposes the human body to harmful positive ions generated from mobile phones, computers, electronic and electrical equipment, chemicals, acid rain and ultraviolet rays. Hence, the negative-charge ion from Germanium will help in blood purification and balancing the positive and negative ions within the body. This also achieves muscle relieving effects as well as reducing fatigue and tiredness. While scientific research has not been conclusive, some people are said to have experienced the various benefits: Strengthens immune system. Increases blood circulation Raises oxygen levels Speeds up metabolism of body cells Regulates positive and negative ions within the body Removes harmful toxins Relieves joint and muscle pain Alleviates physical stress, stiffness, cramps or discomfort Controls swelling Reduces water retention Relieves fatigue and tiredness Promotes quality sleep Slows down aging Increases and maintains body warmth Counteract harmful positive ions generated by electrical and electronic appliances (e.g. mobile phones, computers, televisions) and industrial wastes It should be noted that the above benefits experienced may vary from individual to individual. Beta-glucans (Beta 1, 3-D Glucan) found in Shiaqga aid as an antidepressant, anti-diabetic, anti-leukemic, antimicrobial (fungus, bacteria, and virus), anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, regulates blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, promotes healing, and so forth. The Beta-glucans in Shiaqga have been scientifically found to regulate production and function of basophil and eosinophil white blood cells, reducing inflammation, pain and fever. Shiaqga contains 94,000,000 biologically active Beta-glucan molecules in every serving. Other top selling beta glucan supplements do not even come close to this amount. Why has the information about the quantity and the quality of the Beta-glucans and other phytoceuticals in Shiaqga not been made available to the world sooner? The simple answer is that production of bio available Beta-glucan products has been bogged down in the costly process of obtaining the proper molecules from the cell walls of yeast. Only recently was it discovered that one of the Sacred Plants of the Native Americans contained vastly greater amounts of this important compound than any other source. It has taken this discovery, the far-reaching impact, and the right team of people to make Shiaqga commercially available. It stands to reason that if the immune system is strengthened, numerous ailments and illnesses can be aided and alleviated. There is impressive scientific research demonstrating that the Black Cumin found in Shiaqga has some very beneficial, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Long used as a traditional remedy for colds and viral infections, Black Cumin is still a good choice to use for those illnesses. In contrast to synthetic cold and flu medications, using Shiaqga with Black Cumin may help strengthen the immune system so the body is able to heal quickly and resist additional infections. People who are under extreme stress tend to be much more susceptible to illness. The Black Cumin contains unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and gamma Linolenic – all essential for a healthy immune system. One of the most important components in Black Cumin is the volatile oil Nigellone which is known to be effective for bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies. It has the ability to expand and relax the airways, reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and works against allergic reactions. Long-term supplementation with Black Cumin has been shown to reduce allergic symptoms up to 90%. The saponin and nigellin in Black Cumin give it its appetite-enhancing and digestion-stimulating qualities. It acts as an antihistamine and pain reliever. Research on Black Cumin has focused on its positive effects on the immune system. Scientists know that Black Cumin stimulates bone marrow and immune cells, raises the interferon production, protects the body against viruses, destroys tumor cells and inhibits infection. Research revealed that Black Cumin possesses antibiotic properties that act against a wide spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In side-by-side tests Black Cumin matched or exceeded the effectiveness of ampicillin in defeating gram-positive bacteria. Laboratory tests also indicate that Black Cumin may hold promise in fighting cancer cells. The study shows that Black Cumin is superior to other medicines in many regards. It proved to be more effective than chemotherapy and radiation treatments – without their serious side effects. The Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of South Carolina ran a series of experiments in which mice were infected with tumor cells. Two thirds of the animals treated with Black Cumin oil were still alive thirty days after being infected. In contrast, all the mice that did not receive Black Cumin treatment died within the same time period. Concentration problems are not limited to the elderly. The main causes are lack of oxygen and nutrients to the brain, stress, pressure and internal conflicts that lower the ability to concentrate. Using Black Cumin regularly may ensure you will keep a clear head even in old age. The Peppermint found in Shiaqga may benefit the respiratory system, assist with flu, colds, asthma, bronchitis, fevers, throat infections, sinusitis, spasmodic coughs, colic, cramps, and toothaches. It is stimulates, strengthens and is beneficial for mental alertness, shock, fatigue, nervous stress, fainting, headaches, vertigo, and migraines. It assists indigestion, colic, motion sickness, nausea, gas, diarrhea, halitosis, breath freshener and heartburn. It has been reported that Peppermint directly effects the brain’s center, which triggers a sensation of fullness after a meal. Peppermint increases circulation, opens the sensory system, fights bacteria, inflammation, varicose veins, swelling, spasms, neuralgia, muscle and joint pain, palpitations, and jet lag. It stimulates the gallbladder, liver, female problems, regulates menstruation, hot flashes, and cramps. Peppermint is beneficial for itchy skin, sunburns, arthritis, acne, dermatitis, poison ivy, scabies, lice, and ringworm. It promotes hair growth as well as balances the pH levels on the head for healthy and shiny hair. Beneficial for liver problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, dispels pride, and inferiority. The Lemon found in Shiaqga assists indigestion, gas, intestinal parasites, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. It cleanses the lymphatic system, the smell is stimulating to the brain, clears thoughts, mental fatigue, helps concentration and focus, and fights infectious diseases. It is beneficial for mouth ulcers, colds, flu, herpes, throat infection, asthma, bronchitis, anemia, heart-burn, varicose veins, tightens blood vessels, rheumatism, arthritis, gallstones, dyspepsia, and gout. Lemon is used for uterine infections, intestinal parasites, respiratory issues, colds, flu, throat infections, asthma, bronchitis, mouth ulcers, herpes, brittle nails, acne, boils, warts, corns, stops nose bleeds, gland stimulation and purification, cellulite, high blood pressure, poor circulation, and reduces fevers. It is beneficial as a general tonic using a drop or two every couple of hours in water, varicose veins, liver spots, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, rheumatism, arthritis, gallstones, gout, eye disorders, and lowers blood sugar levels. It is an astringent, antiseptic, and stimulates the immune system in the formation of red and white blood cells, is beneficial for Parkinson’s disease, and cancer. Lemon assists with debility, anxiety, apathy, nervous conditions, emotional clarity, awareness, brings joy, relieves touchiness, grudges, and resentment. The Cinnamon Bark found in Shiaqga assists circulation, lowering glucose, strengthens the heart, endocrine, and nervous systems. It assists in controlling diabetes by normalizing triglycerides and lowering blood sugars. It is a general health tonic and enhances the action and activity of other essential oils. It is an immune stimulant and has been found that viruses, bacteria, and fungus cannot live in this oil. Traditionally used against inflammation, parasites, typhoid, infections, tropical infection, flu, colds, coughs, warts, aching joints, cramps, arthritis, rheumatism, and is a general all around maintenance oil, and general sexual stimulant raising the libido. It is beneficial for circulation, strengthens the heart, endocrine, and nervous systems. Powerful antioxidant capacity and anti-microbial benefits. It assists with increasing energy, is a digestive stimulant, beneficial for the digestive system in such conditions as motion sickness, diarrhea, ulcers, intestinal parasites, urinary infections, and helps the metabolic process. It is also beneficial for stimulating memory, tightens muscles, and combats acid conditions. Cinnamon Bark is a powerful purifier, enhances the action, and activity of other oils it is blended with.

Loaded with Germanium, Shiaqga is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances known

Shiaqga In Ultra 1; Source: FaceBook, Ultra Earth page For millennia, the tribes of the Columbia River Basin have been using a sacred herb called Shiaqga for Traditional Native American Healing. Shiaqga literally means, "To give life." Now, after decades of medical and scientific processes used to discover why the chemistry of this remarkable food promotes health to such a large extent – even “Pan-systemic” or complete body benefits – Shiaqga has found its place worldwide. Dr. Landis, National Board Certified Naturopath, has said after extensive review and studies, personal and student use, “In a way only surpassed perhaps by Vitamin C research, the phytoceuticals of Shiaqga have been widely studied by medical and pharmacological researchers in leading American research colleges and hospitals, such as Bethesda Naval Hospital, Harvard University, Cornell University, Baylor Medical College, and reported in such trusted journals as the Townsend Letter, JAMA, Journal of Immunology, etc.…The biologically active components have been so rigorously examined in the laboratory…it is evident that the multiple health benefits of Shiaqga are supported by scientific investigation… I am convinced that Shiaqga will, without a doubt, entirely eclipse every other natural health supplement ever produced.” Source: Loaded with Germanium, Shiaqga is one of the most powerful antioxidant substances known and the Beta-glucan molecules in Shiaqga cause a system immune modulation and response cascade. In other words, Shiaqga causes the body to produce a vast number of the specific immune cells needed to make proper use of the antioxidants found in the food you eat, and at the same time it provides a powerful source of antioxidant germanium that you would not normally be able to acquire in any other way. As a semiconductor element, Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to balance the body’s ions (bio-electricity) and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body. I had forgotten about Germanium. I came across the Shiaqga plant and went back to where I had purchased it 2 summers ago. I was taking this formula with the brown label. I noticed that my wrinkles were disappearing, then Vitacost took it off their list . The pink label formula didn't have that effect! I found in a description "Over 95% of my hair analysis patients are depleted in germanium. So, what IS this natural element, and why is it important to your health? The brown color label bottle is Jarrow Formulas Germanium Ge-132. That is the Jarrow formula to look for (Ge-132). I had originally discovered Germanium looking for prostrate cancer cures. Germanium is not a cancer cure, but it does help carry oxygen to the cells. I have heard of oxygen therapy for cancer. he notion that oxygen might selectively destroy cancer cells goes back to the 1930s, when Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, M.D., discovered that, compared to normal cells, cancer cells have a low respiration rate. He proposed that if cancer cells are adapted to survive and grow in low-oxygen environments, they would die off if exposed to higher levels of that element. While that may sound plausible, we now know that Dr. Warburg was wrong. Oxygen doesn't slow cancer growth - in fact, tumors often grow rapidly in tissues well supplied with oxygenated blood. Nor does depriving tumors of oxygen stimulate their growth. Moreover, a study published in the Spring/Summer 1998 issue of Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine noted that since human tissues require 200 to 250 milliliters (ml) of oxygen per minute, the maximum additional amount that could be dissolved in all of the plasma of a normal weight adult would hardly be enough to make a difference in how much cancer cells would receive. Nutritionally, the natural element germanium has been known to aid in the prevention of cancer and AIDS. Certain compounds of germanium have toxic effects against certain bacteria. In its organic form, germanium is being hailed as one of the greatest new developments in the nutritional treatment of cancer. The estimated daily intake for germanium is 1 mg. Germanium has been reported to improve the immune system, boost the body's oxygen supply, make a person feel more energetic, and destroy damaging free radicals. Germanium also protects against radiation. Organic germanium is a biological-response modifier. This means it enables the body to change its response to tumors, which has therapeutic benefits. Germanium does not directly attack cancer cells, but stimulates the body's immune system, making it effective in the treatment of cancer as well as other degenerative diseases. A number of human cancer trials have been conducted with organic germanium. A summary of Phase I and Phase II human clinical trials reveals that orally administered organic germanium induces interferon production, restores previously impaired immune response, and has shown extremely low toxicity." There is also a You Tube Video about the plant,

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bipolar and Displays of Emotion

Bipolar and Displays of Emotion: People with bipolar display emotion more than most, but can people with bipolar disorder ever have normal displays of realistic emotion?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

I wish that I would have known about Holistic Pet Foods Years Ago

TRUTH 8: NATURE AS THE PRINCIPLE Dr. Wysong Given that we cannot trust nutrition by the numbers (%'s), "100% completeness," or the experts, what can be done? To achieve optimal health for your companion animal, using nature as the principle must be followed, and should be the focus of every decision you make for your pet. There just is no substitute for that which is natural. (Natural here is meant in its true sense, not as food marketers use it.) The epidemic level of chronic disease within the companion animal community has at its source the departure from a natural way of life. Pets are forced by their owners into foods and circumstances for which they are not genetically designed. Put water into the gas tank of your car and it will fail. Put improper fuel into your pet, and it too will eventually fail. It is our task as pet owners to recreate (as much as is possible) the natural environment that the genetics of our companion animals are designed to expect. Good health is nature obeyed. It's that simple I sure have been out of my element in a town. The Pet Foods that are sold in Regular stores are pet junk food. However, I miss Tender Vittles. It was taken off the market because it contained corn syrup. Old pets have a hard time eating. A holistic "tender vittle" food would be a huge help

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Yucca Plant Detox

Yucca, called "the tree of life", is an outstanding detoxifying, cleansing, immune system supporting substance. Its main effect is due to one of its ingredients, saponin in popular medicine. This substance is primarily applied for its mucolytic effect and its detoxifying action. Much of the health interest in Yucca has been because of its high content of a natural, detergent-like compound found in plants called saponin. Saponin gets its name from the latin word “sapo” meaning soap. Saponins are poorly absorbed by the human metabolism, and this is one of the factors that may account for the belief among many naturopaths that Yucca helps to clean the gastro-intestinal tract. As a natural diuretic, saponins may help to increase the elimination of waste material from the body by the process of diuresis. Also, studies have indicated that saponins may help to lower serum cholesterol levels by binding to bile salts, and making them unavailable to assist in the absorption of cholesterol. Saponins may also accelerate the decomposition and absoption of certain nutrients such as calcium and silicon, thereby enhancing digestion, and waste elimination. Indications: - smoothes the symptoms of the inflammation of the bowel, polyps, gastritis, Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease and other; - cleanses digestive system, regenerates intestinal mucous membrane, cleanses and regenerates liver and pancreatic cells, increases absorption of nutrients- improves digestion; - thanks to plant’s steroids acts against inflammation during joint problems; - recommended during morning “stiffness” of joints; - cleanses kidneys, recommended during gout; - increases the immunity; - in the diseases of urinary and reproductive systems; - improves psychological balance, cleanses brain and nervous system, during Parkinson, Alzheimer diseases, metal impairment, epilepsy and other; - use always with Nopalin before slimming therapy. Consult with a qualified medical practitioner before taking any supplement. During any cleansing or detoxifying regime, adequate fluid intake is advised. Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of liquid daily, to help facilitate the elimination of waste materials.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dangers in Ice Melters

Winter may have gotten off to a late start this year, but make no mistake about it -- it's here now. Lots of the country was blanketed in snow again this week, and they're predicting even more in the coming days. And that has many of us loading up on rock salt to keep our steps, driveways and sidewalks ice-free. But while rock salt can be great for protecting us from slips and falls, it can actually be incredibly dangerous for our pets -- especially dogs. No matter how tough your pooch might seem, the typical rock salt or calcium chloride products he's likely to encounter outside can do some serious damage to paws, causing them to become irritated and cracked, and even to bleed. But what can happen when your dog licks his paws can be even worse, causing internal problems, drooling and vomiting. Consuming a significant amount can significantly raise salt levels in his brain, triggering seizures and even death. So the easy solution seems to be to shop for pet-friendlier ice-melting products. The best ones, according to experts, are those containing urea, which are less likely to cause problems, either internal or external. Urea products are said to be less irritating to paws and if eaten, nontoxic to dogs (but oddly, poisonous to farm animals like goats and cows). Ice melting products made with magnesium chloride are also gentler on paws than traditional rock salt, but not as much as urea, say veterinary experts. Of course, even if you use a safer product, that doesn't mean your neighbors do -- especially since rock salt is usually more effective at very frigid temperatures. So be sure to check for rock-salt residue and wipe off your dog's paws as soon as he gets back from a walk. And if he doesn't mind wearing booties, they now come in all sizes, colors and brand names for the fashion-conscious pup to show off to his friends on the block!